minor bug fixes in graphics engine (free cursor not centered during rotation, labels in VR mode).fixed bug in make.sh where multi-GPU device IDs would not get forwarded to the executable.fixed erroneous double literal for Intel iGPUs in skybox color functions.fixed bug in temperature equilibrium function for temperature extension.minor optimizations in multi-GPU communication (insignificant performance difference).added suggestion of largest possible grid resolution if resolution is set larger than memory allows.improvements to keyboard/mouse control (+/- for zoom, mouseclick frees/locks cursor).added a help menu with key H that shows keyboard/mouse controls, visualization settings and simulation stats.fixed bug in write_line() function in src/utilities.hpp.displayed GPU memory allocation size is now fully accurate.minor optimization to GPU voxelization algorithm (workgroup threads outside mesh bounding-box return after ray-mesh intersections have been found).added particles with immersed-boundary method (either passive or 2-way-coupled, only supported with single-GPU).added kernel for solid boundary rendering with marching-cubes.added option to not auto-scale mesh during read_stl(.), with negative size parameter.cells that are converted from solid->fluid during re-voxelization now have their DDFs properly initialized.added option to voxelize moving/rotating geometry on GPU, with automatic velocity initialization for each grid point based on center of rotation, linear velocity and rotational velocity.made solid voxelization on GPU lightning fast (new algorithm, from minutes to milliseconds).added (cross-vendor) multi-GPU support on a single node (PC/laptop/server).fixed streamline visualization bug in 2D.added interactive graphics mode on Linux with X11.
Amd cuts fp64 driver#
minor bug fix (workaround for AMD legacy driver bug with binary number literals).FORCE_FIELD and VOLUME_FORCE can now be used independently.added unit conversion functions for torque.added functions to compute force/torque on objects.minor bug fix (workaround for Intel iGPU driver bug with triangle rendering).added tool to print current camera position (key_H).added solid voxelization on GPU (slow algorithm).The fastest and most memory efficient lattice Boltzmann CFD software, running on all GPUs via OpenCL.